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Mothers on the Rise, MOR, is a unique initiative to provide mentoring and support for mothers as they leave Indiana IDOC facilities. 


Information quoted from Giles Bruce's article in KHN"An estimated 2,000 women a year give birth while incarcerated, but Indiana is one of the few states that allows new mothers to raise their babies in prison. The nursery — where moms and infants have private rooms and get help from inmates who are trained to be nannies — assists the women in planning for reentry with a checklist of needs and services. But until now, there’s been no peer support or mentoring for new moms or moms-to-be from anyone who’s been through it.


Mothers on the Rise will initially assist 10 women, helping them secure housing, child care and, if needed, addiction and mental health treatment. Porter will advise them 90 days before their release and another 90 days afterward on tasks such as connecting with doctors, finding employment and opening bank accounts.


The program will also pay for three months of child care and bus fare for the women and provide infant supplies such as strollers, baby wipes and clothing."




Mothers on the Rise is part of the Grassroots Maternal Child Health Leadership initiatives through Indiana University, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health.


"The Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Leadership Training Initiative Project trains and mentors women to help their neighborhoods improve pregnancy and infant development outcomes. They work to make change at the community, organizational and policy levels, while meeting the needs of women, infants and families in their neighborhoods by linking them to services."





For information on becoming a MOR participant, email



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Mothers on the Rise is funded through the generous support of...



In alliance with Indiana Department of Corrections

Raise Awareness in Your Community by Sharing the Facts About Mothers Who Benefit from MOR Support During Re-Entry

Donate Baby Items, Professional Attire,

Home Furnishings, Feminine Products, etc.

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Mothers on the Rise





TEL: 317.719.7652  |

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